Creative problem solving consist of six stages, including with: 1) Objective Finding, a finding of the target or
indicating challenge situation and feel the situation that needed to be solved; 2) Fact Finding, a finding of
information or fact related to the condition of the problem; 3) Problem Finding, an indication of all the possibilities,
priority setting of the problems and focus on the most important problem; 4). Idea Finding, the finding of the most
effective problem solving method with alternative feature that is different from the traditional thinking concept;
5) Solution Finding, an assessment of all the possibilities of problem solving method in order to select the best and
suitable method for solving the problem; and 6) Acceptance Finding, the integration of reasonably selected problem
solving method for implementing the stages of problem solving (Kandemir and Gur, 2009) . The specific
characteristic of the all six creative problem solving processes is that, each stage is comprised of divergent thinking
and convergent thinking (Brophy, 2006). The divergent thinking is a process of the brainstorm in many views and
many directions to search for unlimited answers, which is a thought with an innovative characteristic by the
stimulation that prescribes to be opposite to the convergent thinking (Guilford, 1967) . The creative problem solving
process of Osborn and Parnes indicate that every stage will begin with divergent thinking to create variety of large
amount of thought. Then later on, the convergent thinking will rise to decide and to choose the most suitable