Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term Investments (Marketable securities)
Accounts and notes receivable—net
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Short-term Loans
Non-current assets classified as held for sale
Other current assets (1)
Other current assets (2)/FS
Current Assets
Investments in noncontrolled affiliates
Investments property
Property, plant, and equipment—at cost
Amortizable intangible assets (net)
Deferred tax assets
Other noncurrent assets (1)
Other noncurrent assets (2)/FS
Total Assets
Liabilities and Equities:
Bank Overdrafts and Short-term Borrowing
Accounts payable
Current accrued expenses
Notes payable and short-term debt
Current maturities of long-term debt
Income taxes payable
Short-term provisions
Other current liabilities (1)
Other current liabilities (2)/FR
Current Liabilities
Long-term borrowing
Deferred tax liabilities
Employee benefits obligation
Long-term provisions
Other noncurrent liabilities (1)
Other noncurrent liabilities (2)/FR
Total Liabilities
Preferred stock
Common stock
Additional paid in capital
Retained earnings
Accum. other comprehensive income
and other equity adjustments
Total Common Shareholders' Equity
Noncontrolling interests
Total Equity
Total Liabilities and Equities
Gross Profit
< Administrative expenses>
Other operating income (1)
Other operating income (2)
Non-recurring operating gains
Operating Profit
Interest income
Income from equity affiliates
Other income or gains
Income before Tax
Income from discontinued operations
Net Income
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests
Net Income attributable to common shareholders
Net Income (enter reported amount as a check)
Other comprehensive income items
Comprehensive Income
Net Income
Add back depreciation and amortization expenses
Add back stock-based compensation expense
Deferred income taxes
Decrease in accounts receivable
Decrease in inventories
Decrease in prepaid expenses
Decrease in other current assets
Decrease in other noncurrent assets
Increase in accounts payable
Increase in income taxes payable
Increase in other current liabilities
Increase in other noncurrent liabilities
Other addbacks to net income
Other operating cash flows
Net CF from Operating Activities
Proceeds from sales of property, plant, and equipment
Decrease in short-term investment
Investments sold
Payments for acquisitions of intangible assets
Other investment transactions
Net CF from Investing Activities
Increase in short-term borrowing
Increase in long-term borrowing
Issue of capital stock
Proceeds from stock option exercises
Other financing transactions (1)
Other financing transactions (2)
Net CF from Financing Activities
Effects of exchange rate changes on cash
Net Change in Cash
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year
Statutory tax rate
Average tax rate implied from income statement data
After-tax effects of nonrecurring and unusual items on net income
Depreciation expense
Preferred stock dividends (total, if any)
Common shares outstanding
Earnings per share (basic)
Common dividends per share
Share price at fiscal year end
Assets - Liabilities - Equities
Net Income (computed) - Net Income (reported)
Cash Changes
Addition Data
Employee benefit expense
Number of Employee