Another chance
Although thinking about love might now cause old hurts to resurface, you could still be tempted to give it another go. That's the wonderful thing [..]
Evasive maneuvers
During this time it may well be that you hide yourself away somewhere to avoid having to deal with the tension between your desires and your anxieties. Or perhaps you give in to your desire, but only half-heartedly, so that you get only half of something in the end, which is not what you actually wanted. This quality of time can indicate where your difficulties lie, i.e. in acknowledging your desires and completely giving yourself up to certain experiences. You will perhaps ascertain that this has to do with an insecurity or feeling of inadequacy of yours. That is why you should find out which experiences you actually avoid - then you can make a conscious effort to share these experiences with an understanding, sympathetic person who will not injure you anew