the directer of mba career service at major midwestern business school isinterest in determining what influences placement succes for mba studentand has collected data for a random sample of gruaduating mba student.the data is provided in excel spreadsheetfrom in the file hw1_data xls.
each row of the table represents 1 student.the imterpretations of the column entries are as follow
area: what function area(finance,marketing.etc)the student has concentrated on and in which he or she is seeking full time employment.
gpa:the student's grade point average on a 4.0 basis with 4.0 representing a straight"A"average.
Gmat total:the student total score on the gruaduate management Aptitude Test(GMAT)with higher scores representing better performance.
AVG. Yrs. Exp: the student' years of previous full-time work experience.