we draw upon the interactional
perspective and extend the fledgling IS research
on the FFM and technology use. Our study is the first, to
our knowledge, that does all the following: (1) utilizes
the UTAUT as the underlying technology acceptance
model, (2) includes actual, in addition to perceived use
of technology, and (3) examines direct effects of FFM
traits on actual, as well as perceived, system use. As
shown in Figure 1, we test contextual hypotheses emanating
from the UTAUT, but also test hypotheses linking
FFM traits to behavioral intentions, self-reported use,
and the actual use of technology. We first provide a brief
review of the development of the UTAUT, and present
several hypotheses drawn directly fromit.We then focus
on how trait-based differences are relevant to the use of
technology, deriving hypotheses that link FFM traits to
technology use. Finally, we report the results of an
empirical test of these hypotheses and discuss the implications
of our findings.