reference data coverage
fig.2 shows the livelihood zones with data for the Southern African region. There is complete data coverage of Ethiopia, some coverage of other parts of east Africa and some coverage of much of Sahelian West Africa. USAID/ FEWSNET have zoned many other countries and developed more limited livelihood profiles. Data for individual households has been collected in many local and larger scale rural studies.
Livelihood patterns
in most agricultural livelihood zones the livelihood pattern approximates that in Fig1., i.e., in which income largely depends on a combination of household agricultural production and off farm work, for poorer and middle households chiefly in agricultural and other low paid piece work, for middle households supplemented by retail and other petty trade. the specific sources of household income, their relative importance and the amount and distribution of wealth, income and access to coping opportunities vary widely vary widely between zones. The better off engage in large scale trade and higher value employment. Access to alternative employment varies from none to access to relatively high value labor markets such as South Africa. wild foods typically make up less than 1% of reference food energy although it remains a substantial potential resource
reference data coveragefig.2 shows the livelihood zones with data for the Southern African region. There is complete data coverage of Ethiopia, some coverage of other parts of east Africa and some coverage of much of Sahelian West Africa. USAID/ FEWSNET have zoned many other countries and developed more limited livelihood profiles. Data for individual households has been collected in many local and larger scale rural studies. Livelihood patternsin most agricultural livelihood zones the livelihood pattern approximates that in Fig1., i.e., in which income largely depends on a combination of household agricultural production and off farm work, for poorer and middle households chiefly in agricultural and other low paid piece work, for middle households supplemented by retail and other petty trade. the specific sources of household income, their relative importance and the amount and distribution of wealth, income and access to coping opportunities vary widely vary widely between zones. The better off engage in large scale trade and higher value employment. Access to alternative employment varies from none to access to relatively high value labor markets such as South Africa. wild foods typically make up less than 1% of reference food energy although it remains a substantial potential resource
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