Aragorn carried Shadow to a guest chamber at his foster father's directions. He was told to wait outside while Elrond and Glorfindel tend to the injured elf. The Man did not understand what just happened. His mentor would never fall out of a tree..
The two Elven Lords came out of the room wearing their grief openly on their faces.
"I am sorry Estel, there was nothing more we can do," whispered his foster father.
"No, Ada [Father]. Please, I will do anything; there must be some way," pleaded Aragorn. He could not lose Shadow, not now, knowing that the Elf loved him.
"Estel, Lord Elrond had done all he could. It would be better if you just spend these last few moments with your mentor before he fades," Glorfindel said sadly.
The fair elf too had grown very attached to Legolas over the past few days. He had never met the Golden Prince before, but he found himself smitten by the rumors of his beauty and light over 5000 years ago. Having met the young Elf, his feelings had deepened as he saw the inner strength of the Star of Earendil. He wished that Legolas would return his affections, but he knew the Prince's heart lied with Estel.
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Aragorn sat by Shadow's side and gathered the lithe Elf into his arms. Tears streaked freely down his face onto the Elf as he whispered brokenly into his love's ears.
"Please, don't leave me, Shadow. You are my light; I need you. Please come back, I love you."
With all the love and tenderness he felt for Shadow, Aragorn leant down and kissed the Elf gently on the lips; hoping to bring warmth and life to his icy cold love. The response was not what the Man hoped. Shadow shuddered in his embrace and breathed his last.