How to protect and preserve nature, there are several methods, such as อินทรีย or wet waste material degrade easily rotten fruit Peel, although scraps. We can bring these scum on the container sealed to keep it as fuel for the production of organic fertilizer to bio-gas, what to watch out for is very much. Is stored in a closed container because of the strong smell from waste may be the source of animal carriers, such as rats or cockroaches, dry waste, such as paper, plastic film, and aluminum cans, these wastes can be recycled as an invention of the utilization and use fabric instead of paper thit Shu? We use paper hand-wiping Shu thit Wipe the face Each year millions of feet help reduce paper use thit Shu by placing the hand towel placed near sinks and then use paper towels instead of using table thit Shu wipe.