Your hand settled on his cheek as his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer. His tongue entered your mouth without warning or permission, but you neither protested nor fought against it. Your other hand moved from holding the bed sheet tightly against your body to the material covering Loki's chest, in doing so the sheet was able to slip free from your body and you were left completely bare in front of Loki. To your surprise, he didn't pick you up and throw you to the bed, nor did his hands run over your unmentionables... Instead he broke the kiss and gently licked and sucked the length of your neck. You closed your eyes and allowed your head to roll back. You didn't want to admit it... but you were enjoying it... Loki's hands skimmed down your sides, and slowly you felt the presence of silk material spreading over your body. His hands then moved to your hips and he pulled you tightly against his own as his tongue slowly danced over your skin.
"What made you do this?" you half asked half moaned- - Wait... what? Why would you ask such a thing!? Loki pulled away with his brows raised as he considered his response. You wanted to skulk away and hide... You lowered your gaze and tried to hide your embarrassment. He would probably snatch the pendant back and force you to stay in the room now...
"Why did I do what?" he asked with a serious expression you couldn't quite read.
"E... Everything over the past few days..." you murmured scarcely above a whisper. Again Loki paused to consider his answer,
"Because you were left to the mercy of that man, and you are still haunted by his actions..." Loki's eyes were dark and you had to tense your muscles just to stop your body trembling. "If I had had enough foresight to see his intentions, I wouldn't have left you here... I will make sure that will not happen again..." You weren't sure what it was in his words that made you do it, but before the rational side of your mind had a change to object, the impulsive side had taken control.
You took a small step towards him, placed your hands on his chest, and rekindled the kiss from just a moment ago. Loki's hands came to rest on your lower back as he pulled you into him. This was not the same as any other kiss you had shared or been forced to endure. No. It was calm, sweet... It was a kiss you would share with a lover, not a Master... Your body didn't stop, but your mind did. Did you... did you just consider Loki your Lover...? While you were still trying to break your state of shock, Loki broke the kiss.
"Do you wish to look around...?" he asked, running his hands over your skin. You looked up and nodded slowly. Loki's hand moved to your back as he guided you out of the door and towards the elevator.
The elevator trip didn't take long, thank God... Being trapped in such a small area with Loki, and having his gaze so obviously focused on you made your stomach churn with nerves... It was only when the doors finally opened and you were let out of the elevator that you felt capable of breathing once more.