1. Introduction
According to Wilson et al. (2003, p. 369), trade openness or friendliness addresses
“the logistics of moving goods through ports or more efficiently moving customs
documentation associated with cross-border trade”.We will use the terms openness and
friendliness interchangeably given the current climate to move and measure trade
between nations in as liberal and as simplified as possible. In a broader sense, trade
friendliness includes the transparency and professionalism of the customs and
regulatory environments, as well as the harmonization of trade standards, and the
conformance to international or regional regulations. In other words, trade friendliness
1. IntroductionAccording to Wilson et al. (2003, p. 369), trade openness or friendliness addresses“the logistics of moving goods through ports or more efficiently moving customsdocumentation associated with cross-border trade”.We will use the terms openness andfriendliness interchangeably given the current climate to move and measure tradebetween nations in as liberal and as simplified as possible. In a broader sense, tradefriendliness includes the transparency and professionalism of the customs andregulatory environments, as well as the harmonization of trade standards, and theconformance to international or regional regulations. In other words, trade friendliness
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