The present investigation was carried out in
Khuzestan province of Iran to evaluate the effects of
chemical ripeners on the advancement of cane maturity
(var. CP57-614) during incline phase. Three chemicals viz.
Ethephon (2-Chloroethyl phosphoric acid), Glyphosate,
and Fitomas M (a growth regulator) were applied as foliar
spray on the crop using a small aircraft. The result showed
that application of glyphosate increased brix, pol%, fiber,
and recoverable sugar; however, its application reduced
cane length and invert sugars and also showed marginal
decline in the cane yield. The improvement in cane quality
was more pronounced compared to the reduction in cane
yield. Ethephon application had no impact on cane tonnage,
and showed marginal improvement in pol per cent
(3.3 %) and recoverable sugar (3.4 %) compared to
untreated control. Fitomas-M had no effect on cane tonnage;
on the contrary, it showed decline in pol%. Based on
the large-scale trials done in Khuzestan province, it was
demonstrated that 0.5 l ha-1 of glyphosate increased
recoverable sugar to the extent of 10.60 % indicating that
this treatment was most suitable for increasing sucrose
content during incline period of crop maturity or early
stages of harvest.