gram. Based on these results, significant improvements to body image can occur in as little as six
weeks and continue up to 12 weeks among women with overweight and obesity who are new to
exercise. This is a salient finding given the negative health implications that often accompany
these conditions, and the fact that a healthy body image can influence one’s likelihood to engage in
health promoting behaviours [23, 27]. Although no significant enhancements to body image were
observed during the final third of the program, scores did remain stable which highlights the fact
that 12 weeks may be a critical intervention length for future body image research. Further, the
protocol for the present study did not involve a cognitive-behavioural component and focused entirely
on the provision of an 18-week exercise program. Yet, enhancements to body image were
still observed and found to be associated with greater participation, thereby underscoring the salient
impact that cardiovascular exercise can have on body satisfaction and investment towards fitness.
Additionally, few studies to date have examined the relationship between body image and
SDT’s motivational regulations.This study provides some insight for future studies wishing to examine
these constructs with a view towards enhancing autonomy and influencing physical activity
adherence rates positively.
Limitations. The results of the present study are informative; however, there are limitations
worth considering. First of all, a relatively small sample size was obtained and examined, which
may have impacted the findings. In addition, because the current study took place in a private controlled
laboratory, the ecological validity of the intervention cannot be ascertained nor the results
generalized beyond this type of setting.The inclusion of more lifestyle-based exercise (e.g., in the
homes of participants) as part of the intervention protocol should be considered for future studies.
Finally, including a comparison group, perhaps one that engaged in another form of physical activity
such as resistance training, would have reduced the threats to internal validity (e.g., no control
group) inherent in the present study.
Future directions and conclusions. Future studies attempting to replicate the present findings
should incorporate a larger sample size in order to uncover optimal conditions for enhancing these
cognitions, especially beyond a 12-week period. Given that the present study utilized correlational
data to investigate the relationships of interest, exploring the mechanisms between body image
and motivational regulations over time is warranted so that inferences pertaining to causation can
be made with certainty. Specifically, researchers should focus on potential mediators of this relationship
(e.g., self-presentation, self-efficacy, setting, type and amount of exercise) in an effort to
identify reasons for attrition while uncovering additional ways to enhance autonomy, thereby increasing
the probability of long-term adherence.
This work was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada [grant