When a few years ago I went on a school trip to PUKET. The day was get up early play, see some sights, swim, shower, dinner, party, bed. So on the second day I really needed a shower and my group was first. So I ran straight to the men showers by mistake, it gets awful from here. First a boy opened the curtain and told me to hurry up, then he realized I was a girl. He said he would tell the teacher, unless I did whatever he told me to. So I had to go in the boys room and be naked the whole time, just stand their naked doing nothing hands on head. It didn’t end up to bad as I saw them and after two minutes they had all seen me so i got use to it. For the rest of the trip I kept going back in their to chat to them and one time I evan forced someone in, and then girls kept coming in to the boys room. But at the time it was horrible.