In consideration of the additional premium included in the Schedule, the Company will pay to or for each person who sustains bodily injury caused by accident within the Insured's premises all reasonable medical expenses incurred within 1 year from the date of accident on account of such bodily injury, provided such bodily injury arises out of of
(a) a condition in the insured premise or
(b) operation with respect to which the insured is afforded coverage for bodily injury liability under this Policy.
Limit of Indemnity : not exceeding Baht 20,000.- per person and
not exceeding Baht 500,000.- per occurrence and
per period of insurance
It is further agreed that this insurance does not apply to bodily injury :
(a) to any tenant if the bodily injury occurs on that part of the insured premises rented
from the Insured or to any employees of each a tenant if the bodily injury occurs on the
tenant's part of the insured premises and arises out of any in the coures of his
employment for the tenant;
(b) to any person while engaged in maintenance and repair of the insured premises or
altertion, demolition or new construction at such premises.
Subject otherwise to all other terms exceptions and conditions of this Policy.