Hello my dearest,thank you for the photo you send to me ,i love it is very nice and lovely,hope all is well with you? Honesty I feel like the happiest man on Earth any time i saw your message....
I will not stop thanking God for giving me a friend like you in my life because we have so many things to share in common
I can assure you that whenever you are sad.. ....I will stay by your side, Whenever you need someone to love.....I will always be there for you......Do u know, what I say? ......what I think?..... what I feel? .....what I wish? ......You want to know?...... YOU ARE A NICE PERSON......My dearest I'm feeling so happy, do you know why? ........ because am so lucky, do you know how? .............. because God loves me,do you know how? ........because he gave me a gift. Do u know what? ..........its YOU................Honesty, If 10 people care 4 you, one of them is me, if 1 person cares 4 you that would be me again, if no 1 cares 4 u that means i m not in this world.......No matter how far you go, you’ll remain close to my heart..... They could take all my possessions as long as I have you. You are everything to me.............I hope God will let me take care of you for the rest of our lives........take care of yourself.wishing you all the best.