pretreated with EAWP had an enhanced resistance against
B. cinerea, and the CHI3 gene was rapidly induced at an extremely
high level when the plants were inoculated with B. cinerea. This
responsewas reduced in NahG tomato plants. These results suggest
that a SA-mediated defense response was induced in the EAWPtreated
tomato plants within 1 h of inoculation with B. cinerea. A
recent study reported that SA promotes the disease development of
B. cinerea through the transcription coactivator “nonexpressor of PR
genes” (NPR1), by suppressing the expression of two JA-dependent
defense genes, proteinase inhibitors I and II [34]. In tomato leaves,
B. cinerea induces the accumulation of mRNAs of the SA-signaling
pathway components TGA1.a and TGA2.2 at 6 hpi [34]. A similar