Table 1 presents means, standard deviations, and correlations for all of the variables. Tables 2 and 3 report the moderated ordinary least squares regression
The maximum value of the variance inflation factor (VIF) from the analyses was 2.39,
substantially below the rule-of-thumb cutoff of 10 (Ryan, 1997).
In predicting TMT cognitive conflict, the interaction between TMT functional diversity and competitive uncertainty in Model 4 is not significant.
Thus, Hypothesis 1a was not supported. The interaction between functional diversity and institutional support is, however, significant and negative.
The plot in Figure 16 provides evidence for Hypothesis 1b. In predicting TMT affective conflict,the interaction between functional diversity and competitive uncertainty in Model 8 is not significant,thereby not supporting Hypothesis 2a.
The negative and significant interaction between functional diversity and institutional support provides evidence for Hypothesis 2b.
Model 12 in Table 3 contains four interactions that predict innovation.
The interaction between TMT cognitive conflict and competitive uncertainty is negative and significant; yet there is no significant interaction between cognitive conflict
and institutional support.
These results provide support for Hypothesis 3a but not for Hypothesis 3b.
Moreover, the interaction between affective conflict and competitive uncertainty is positive and significant.
Also there is a negative and significant interaction between affective conflict and institutional support.
These results provide evidence for both Hypothesis 4a and Hypothesis 4b.