To ease the deformation process and to minimize the occurrence of work hardening; dies are pre-heated to 850-
950 Û)ZKLFKSUHYHQWVWKHaluminum from sticking in the profile opening, while the billets are pre-KHDWHGWRÛ)
before it enters the press causing it to enter a plastic state while maintaining its solid shape. The container is also
heated to 750-800 Û)WRSUHYHQWWKHELOOHWIURPFRROLQJGRZQAs the aluminum is extruded, the temperature of the
final extrudate might span between 1000-1150 Û)GXH WRIULFWLRQDQG LQWHUQDOGHIRUPDWLRQRccurring at the bearing
land [2]. In order to maintain a straight product and to avoid folding due to high temperatures of the final extrudate,
a tensioner is required to maintain a slight plastic stretch of the final profile until it cools down to a solid state.