5. The font size of the head topic is 16pt TH Niramit AS bold and of the text is 16pt TH Niramit AS. The head topic should be placed on the very left of the report and use the bold text (ตัวหนา). The alignment of the following text is full justification. Your lab report should contain the following topics
Students must be able to connect the circuit for efficiency measurement of solar cells
Students must be able to calculate the output power of a solar cell
Students must be able to calculate the efficiency of a solar cell
Students must be able to explain the effect of temperature upon the solar cell performance
Introduction is the part where the reader first reads it. It should start with the introduction of solar cells and try to narrate it down to the experiment. More detail on how to write an introduction will be explained during the first class. But the general idea of writing the introduction is to give the full picture of the whole experiment.
In this part, all the equipments used in the experiment have to be listed. That includes name, photo, specification, limitation, precision and etc. You also need to include the function of each equipment and how to use it. Diagram and photo of each procedure is required.
Here you have to write down all the experimental procedures. Please be very thorough and put photo, diagram or flowchart with explanation.
In this part, you have to present the result from the experiment. You need to organize and present it in an easy understanding style. Tables or graphs are very common in this part. Make sure that you put the correct unit of all the parameter reported in this section. Please note that you cannot just simply put in the table and graph, you need to talk about them and explain the meaning of your data. Then you have to analyze the data and calculate the related parameters. After that, you have to discuss and explain it. For the table and figure, a caption is needed. Below is the example of figure and table caption.
The conclusion must be correlated with the objectives. It is the summary of your finding and should not be more than 1 paragraph.
Any suggestion from the experiment will be appreciated. It could be the problems found during the experiment and how to solve it. This will be benefiting the student in the next generation.
Put all the related documents that are used in this report. There is no specific format for the reference at this stage.
Please note that this is just a guideline and no need to follow it to the letter. It is also very important that you come up with your own style but all of the main topics must be included in the report.