All female O. niloticus (Chitralada strain) were obtained by mating pseudomales (XX) with genetic females (XX).
The pseudomales were produced by feeding an aromatase inhibitor, Exemestane, 1000 lg/g
of feed was given 9 days post-hatch (DAH) stage through 35 DAH stage (Ruksana et al., 2010).
All animal handling and experiments
were conducted in accordance with, ‘‘A Guide for Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals,’’ approved by the University of the Ryukyus,
Okinawa, Japan.
2.2. Experimental design
Two sets of independent experiments were conducted to examine the effects of high temperature on gonadal development in different age groups of Nile tilapia (Fig. 1 ). Firstly, we determined the
optimum temperature to induce permanent sterilization. In addition, using the optimum temperature, we tested the responses of
the fish at different life stages. In order to examine fertility reversal, a number of fish were cultured for additional three to six
months at normal laboratory conditions (25–28 C). Growth parameters, gonadal histology, and blood parameters were determined
All female O. niloticus (Chitralada strain) were obtained by mating pseudomales (XX) with genetic females (XX). The pseudomales were produced by feeding an aromatase inhibitor, Exemestane, 1000 lg/gof feed was given 9 days post-hatch (DAH) stage through 35 DAH stage (Ruksana et al., 2010). All animal handling and experimentswere conducted in accordance with, ‘‘A Guide for Care and Use ofLaboratory Animals,’’ approved by the University of the Ryukyus,Okinawa, Japan.2.2. Experimental designTwo sets of independent experiments were conducted to examine the effects of high temperature on gonadal development in different age groups of Nile tilapia (Fig. 1 ). Firstly, we determined theoptimum temperature to induce permanent sterilization. In addition, using the optimum temperature, we tested the responses ofthe fish at different life stages. In order to examine fertility reversal, a number of fish were cultured for additional three to sixmonths at normal laboratory conditions (25–28 C). Growth parameters, gonadal histology, and blood parameters were determined
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