Longitudinal studies allow for analysis of changes
within the SAC model over time. Thus speci®c
appraisals or coping strategies found to be helpful
directly following injury may be linked to poorer
emotional adjustment in the long term. It is important
to understand when strategies are eective and under
what circumstances they may no longer be helpful.63
Studies examining coping and appraisal at speci®c
points in time are limited to concurrent regression
analyses. Many prospective studies have highlighted
the importance of examining not only concurrent
correlations between coping, appraisal and emotional
outcome but also the predictive power of SAC
variables on long term outcome. For example, Stanton
and Snider64 found that cognitive avoidance before a
biopsy predicted higher levels of distress following a
positive diagnosis of breast cancer. Carver et al.15 also
found a strong relationship between coping, appraisal
and long term emotional outcome. The Carver et al.15