Since the main target area of IgA is the intestine and intestinal pathogen population thus
providing protection against mucosal pathogens (Fagarasan, 2008; Ohashi et al., 2014), the higher
IgA for OligoPKE supplemented birds suggested that OligoPKE at 1% level enhanced gut health of
broiler chickens. However, the non-significant effect of OligoPKE supplementation on population of cecal
pathogens (Figure 1), as previously mentioned was somewhat unexpected. Therefore, further investigation
is needed to confirm whether the lack of effect of OligoPKE supplementation on gut pathogens is due to
the insufficient amount of OligoPKE or other factors such as the presence of oligosaccharides of lower degree
of polymerization (Chen, et al. 2015).
Since the main target area of IgA is the intestine and intestinal pathogen population thusproviding protection against mucosal pathogens (Fagarasan, 2008; Ohashi et al., 2014), the higherIgA for OligoPKE supplemented birds suggested that OligoPKE at 1% level enhanced gut health ofbroiler chickens. However, the non-significant effect of OligoPKE supplementation on population of cecalpathogens (Figure 1), as previously mentioned was somewhat unexpected. Therefore, further investigationis needed to confirm whether the lack of effect of OligoPKE supplementation on gut pathogens is due tothe insufficient amount of OligoPKE or other factors such as the presence of oligosaccharides of lower degreeof polymerization (Chen, et al. 2015).
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