The rheological behaviour of doughs was studied using a
Thermo Scientific HaakeRheoStress 1 controlled strain rheometer
(Thermo Fisher Scientific, Schwerte, Germany) and a Phoenix II P1-
C25P water bath that controlled analysis temperature (set at 25 C).
The rheometerwas equipped with parallel-plate geometry (60-mm
diameter titanium serrated plate-PP60 Ti) with a 3-mm gap. After
adjusting the 3-mm gap, vaseline oil (Panreac, Panreac Química SA,
Castellar del Valles, Spain) was applied to the exposed surfaces of
the samples to prevent them drying during testing. In oscillatory
tests, dough was rested for 800 s before measuring. First, a strain
sweep testwas performed at 25 C with a stress range of 0.1e100 Pa
at a constant frequency of 1 Hz to identify the linear viscoelastic
region. On the basis of the results obtained, a stress value included
in the linear viscoelastic region was used in a frequency sweep test
at 25 C with a frequency range of 10e0.1 Hz. Values of elastic
modulus (G0 [Pa]), viscous modulus (G00 [Pa]), complex modulus and
tangent d (G00/G0) were obtained for different frequency values (u
[Hz]). Samples were analysed in duplicate.