Control of white mold on crops can depend greatly on specific cultural practices and the application of chemical sprays. Crops that are highly susceptible to white mold should be planted in well drained soils. Also, properly spaced plants or maintaining growth in the fields will help to maintain good air circulation and create microclimates that are less favorable for disease development (Pohronezny 25). Fields with heavy disease pressure may also be flooded for a period of four to five weeks so as the sclerotia may lose their viability(Pohronezny 25). This may not be a practical measure and may be why chemical sprays are used. Fumigating the soils with broad spectrum fungicides can be effective in controlling sclerotia (Pernezyny, Momol and lopes 23). During the growing season, however, applying contact and systemic fungicides during times of the plants greatest susceptibility (flowering and senescence) will give the greatest amount of protection against disease. Crop rotation with cereals in fields with high levels of disease incidence can help in reduction of inoculums. Rotation should last for at least three years since sclerotia can be viable for at least this long.