Speacking strategy
Douglas (2007, p.332) proposed these speaking strategies so that students are able to
communicate in an oral way:
Asking for clarification (what?)
Asking someone to repeat something (huh? Excuse me?)
Using fillers (uh, I mean, well,) in order to gain time to process
Using conversation maintenance cues (uh-huh, right, yeah, okay, hm)
Getting someone’s attention (hey, Say, So)
Using paraphrases for structures one can’t produce
Appealing for assistance from the interlocutor (to get a word or phrase, for example)
Using formulaic expressions (at the survival stage) (how much does ______ cost?
How do you get to the ___?
Using mime and nonverbal expressions to convey meaning
Circumlocution is another strategy which was used by Mendez and Marín (2007,
p.78) and it was added to the four specific strategies taught during this research.
Circumlocution which is the use of a synonym or a descriptive sentence for unknown
words. For instance. An item you use to sit down (chair)
Speacking strategyDouglas (2007, p.332) proposed these speaking strategies so that students are able tocommunicate in an oral way: Asking for clarification (what?) Asking someone to repeat something (huh? Excuse me?) Using fillers (uh, I mean, well,) in order to gain time to process Using conversation maintenance cues (uh-huh, right, yeah, okay, hm) Getting someone’s attention (hey, Say, So) Using paraphrases for structures one can’t produce Appealing for assistance from the interlocutor (to get a word or phrase, for example) Using formulaic expressions (at the survival stage) (how much does ______ cost?How do you get to the ___? Using mime and nonverbal expressions to convey meaning Circumlocution is another strategy which was used by Mendez and Marín (2007,p.78) and it was added to the four specific strategies taught during this research. Circumlocution which is the use of a synonym or a descriptive sentence for unknownwords. For instance. An item you use to sit down (chair)
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