aha I'm not ready yet.I'm too young my parents care for me very much
It's time May be we will see each other
I think I need to mature more than this,Now,I wanna know you more than this
You must be tired after such a day
Am gonna sleep after two hours
take plenty of rest.
entrance exams
Faculty of Fine Art
Am not looking for something. Serious if you know what I mean
I'm dizzy
Be honest
u r young and me still young too
sure we need to know each other more
Chatting with you sometimes, I have to spend a lot of time translating and thinking whether I understand,
Exactly just have fun
do you travel
i wanna learn
It is the wonderful experience in my life.
im muslim but i dont care about mybfriends religen too
I wanna meet you and give you a kis
No kiss for you
I hope you will find someone to do it with
Maybe if you find someone you like you will do Oh I'm so blush, don't know what to do with But there's something beautful about u
Cute cheeks also
Don't lie to me.
I don't believe you anymore.
How many girlfriends did you have?
Why do you like to go out?
Did your friend know that you flirted with me and what did he say?