In the case of used oils, it was recommended to perform a
periodical quality analysis in all the production equipment and
machinery for preventing early oil changes. A waste segregation
was also recommended in this case, thus, preventing oil contamination
of non-contaminated elements. Oil-contaminated paper
should be recycled in the facility after a previous technical study.
The main reuse proposed for the used oils was their elimination
in authorized plants for their use as alternative fuel. The cement
industry was established as the most practical facility for this
kind of reuse, as almost all these plants have the environmental
permission to do it. Another interesting proposed alternative
was the re-refining of the used oil in plants like Futuroil, which
are able to produce a high standard lubricant using spent oil as
raw material. In the case of hazardous chemicals packaging, it
was recommended that these materials should be recycled to the
supplier, for a possible reuse