Despite the popularity on analytics and Big Data, putting them
into practice is still a complex and time consuming endeavour. As
Yu [136] points out, Big Data offers substantial value to organisations willing to adopt it, but at the same time poses a considerable number of challenges for the realisation of such added value.
An organisation willing to use analytics technology frequently acquires expensive software licences; employs large computing infrastructure; and pays for consulting hours of analysts who work
with the organisation to better understand its business, organise
its data, and integrate it for analytics [120]. This joint effort of organisation and analysts often aims to help the organisation understand its customers’ needs, behaviours, and future demands for
new products or marketing strategies. Such effort, however, is generally costly and often lacks flexibility. Nevertheless, research and
application of Big Data are being extensively explored by governments, as evidenced by initiatives from USA [20] and UK [106]; by
academics, such as the bigdata@csail initiative from MIT [19]; and
by companies such as Intel [122].
Despite the popularity on analytics and Big Data, putting theminto practice is still a complex and time consuming endeavour. AsYu [136] points out, Big Data offers substantial value to organisations willing to adopt it, but at the same time poses a considerable number of challenges for the realisation of such added value.An organisation willing to use analytics technology frequently acquires expensive software licences; employs large computing infrastructure; and pays for consulting hours of analysts who workwith the organisation to better understand its business, organiseits data, and integrate it for analytics [120]. This joint effort of organisation and analysts often aims to help the organisation understand its customers’ needs, behaviours, and future demands fornew products or marketing strategies. Such effort, however, is generally costly and often lacks flexibility. Nevertheless, research andapplication of Big Data are being extensively explored by governments, as evidenced by initiatives from USA [20] and UK [106]; byacademics, such as the bigdata@csail initiative from MIT [19]; andby companies such as Intel [122].
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