Abstract--The experimental performance of a low flow rate plate regenerator of a solar liquid desiccant cooling/ dehumidification system is presented. The study investigates the effects of flow rates and temperatures of water, air and desiccant solution on the regenerating capacity in term of change in the solution concentration. In the experiments, the air humidity and temperature were set to represent the design conditions of Bangkok, Thailand. The desiccant flow rates were set within a range with the maximum value of 0.014 l.s-1. Air flow rates were varied in the range 0.213-0.364 kg.s-1. The water flow rates were maintained within the range 200 and 300 kg.hr-1 while the temperatures were kept at 50-83○C range. The results show that air flow rate has insignificant effect on concentration change whilst the water flow rate and temperature increase concentration change. On the other hand, the solution flow rate decreases the concentration change.
Index Term--alternative cooling, liquid desiccant, regenerator, solar cooling