In essense e-book readers are a form of tablet largely dedicated to the purchase, storage and presentation of books, newspapers and magazines. The biggest difference between most e-readers and other tablets is the use of an e-ink display as opposed to a "traditional" liquid crystal screen. These provide a paper-like reading experience due to their high contrast and resolution. E-ink screens are also very power efficient as current only has to be used to change rather than maintain the image. This said, some e-reader displays -- like that on the Kindle Paperwhite -- can be used in an illuminated mode that does constantly use battery power.
E-book readers are unlikely to ever replace traditional books. However, many commentators predict that e-book readers or tablets will change the face of newspaper, magazine and non-fiction publishing. Most newspaper publishers are now struggling financially in the face of free online content. Charging a subscription to have their publication delivered to an e-book reader may therefore be an attractive proposition. New opportunities are also likely to emerge to subscribe to only parts of publications -- such as the sports section of one newspaper and the arts and entertainment section of another.