Laissez-faire Leadership: Laissez-faire leadership is a behavior dimension where there is no
leadership and leader is not seen around. This type of a leader has a personality that does not pay
importance to and care about anything and that does not follow the employees and authorize them
[4].Employees cannot find their leaders most of the time [45].When help is asked for from the leader,
he/she cannot succeed in helping and shows resistance against the employees to express their opinions in
important cases [13].This type of leadership shows a negative correlation with both organizational
outcomes and the other active leadership behaviors [10].The leadership model here should not be mixed
with the leadership that plays a less active role after transformational leadership behavior is applied [28].
Although Laissez-faire leadership stays close to the management by exception passive due to its passive
characteristics, it does not intervene even after errors occur on contrary to the management by exception
passive. Therefore, it is considered proper to be investigated separately [4], [45]. Den Hartog et al. (1997)
and Hinkin and Scriesheim (2008), in the researches they conducted, state that the laissez-faire leadership
dimension and the component of management by exception passive show negative correlation with all the
other components.