The Phoenix back in the arms of the family
08:39 02/11/2014 432,597
Ten day stay after the mediocre tournament is the rare opportunity to visit the country and parents Phoenix is in the newly built spacious House.
The House of The Phoenix are still in the process of completing the last phase. Mr. Nguyen The Phuong, father of Seven, all still turn to Italy each brick to copy to get the House fit for.
The House of The Phoenix are still in the process of completing the last phase. Mr. Nguyen The Phuong, father of Seven, all still turn to Italy each job to copy to get the House fit for.
The total cost of building the House up to 300 million, of which The majority contributor Phoenix plus the contributions of the other siblings to help him, she United have new homes.
The total cost of building the House up to 300 million, of which The majority contributor Phoenix plus the contributions of the other siblings to help him, she United have new homes.
The family's new home Phoenix
On the old lụp House xụp until the rainy day is both must run to the neighbor in The parents, thanks to the Phoenix new homes built from funds donated by the children.
Her parents did his reception before the Phoenix was rested because of the approaching hurricane season. This year, for the first time after dozens of years, grandparents no longer have to worry every crooked Super pour House rain storms arrived. Photo: young age.
Her parents did his reception before the Phoenix was rested because of the approaching hurricane season. This year, for the first time after dozens of years, grandparents no longer have to worry every crooked Super pour House rain storms arrived. Also according to her flowers, rain, sunny shelf, now you can sleep soundly in the new House. Photo: young age.
The parents Phoenix open new home birthday party
After almost half a year to build, today (October 26), The official Phoenix family moved into a new House. The Phoenix parents did more than 40 alloy wheels invite relatives and neighbors.
The joy of Worship when was in the new House. Currently, each month The Phoenix was elected Germany paid 1.5 million only, but also a large sum is 15 million per month be transferred straight to him, Mrs. flowers. The source of the money to build new homes are taken mainly from here.
The joy of Worship when was in the new House. Currently, each month The Phoenix was elected Germany paid 1.5 million only, but also a large sum is 15 million per month be transferred straight to him, Mrs. flowers. The source of the money to build new homes are taken mainly from here.
Ms. Flowers happy when after several months away from home, Phoenix back in the family's cuddly arms. There was dutiful son, says she is very proud and happy with her neighbors.
Ms. Flowers happy when after several months away from home, Phoenix back in the family's cuddly arms.
The Phoenix back in the arms of the family
There was dutiful son, says she is very proud and happy with her neighbors.
The parents Phoenix received 15 million each month from elected in Germany
Salary transfer to German election Phoenix and the young players just by 1/10 of that amount he elected to send mountain city to parents of the children in his home country.
Since hearing the news
Since hearing news of "Phoenix guy" about her house, when no Flowers away. People in the village who also want to make the place look "hometown pride" that the time away from home.
Still with close style, The fun of the Phoenix and its competitions. Phoenix laugh when parents and relatives a video review of his balloon stunts.
Still with close style, The fun of the Phoenix and its competitions. Phoenix laugh when parents and relatives a video review of his balloon stunts.
In his new House, he, Ms. Flowers spent an important corner to put the rewards of The Phoenix.
The House of The Phoenix doesn't yet have the expensive items. The most valuable assets is the TV due to the Northern U19 team donated the family in late 2013.
U19 team mutual funds buy TV parents The Phoenix
The Phoenix, strikers had 7 goals in 3 matches in the qualifying for the under 19 tournament the past Asian on land in Malaysia, has unexpectedly been donated a good TV team.