I do not have line I only have Skype if you give me your Skype in a message I will add u just go there I'm not going to write you to tell you I added you thanks
I am here looking for any kind of relationship with LB…
I don’t know why I am so attracted to LB but I am I find them very sexy
And wanting to be with them…
I can be as gentle of a lover or dominate as you like or can handle…I Need a woman who can handle a big man if you know what I mean…
I am going to BKK on the 18th for a job interview I have the job if I want it they are trying to make me a offer to go…if I take the job I will be living there for a 4 year contract…
I that time I hope to have many great experiences while there and possibly find the right one for me that can handle being my girl
I am open to relationship with any type I am TOP but for right one if I love her and she is versatile I will bottom for her…
Also I am open to relationship with TG that has had operation…its about the feeling not what bthey have or not have to me or if there top, bottom or operated already…
I would rather a woman with breast but am not against one that hasn’t had operation yet….
So if interested let me know and write me