Realtime ultrasonography of liver show nodular liver surace mild enlarged left hepatic lobe and small size of right lobe compatible with liver cirrhosis diffuse increased parenchymal echogenicity is probably fatty change no gross focal lesion is observed.
The main portal vein is patent.
Thickening gall bladder wall without stone. Biliary system were visualizeh and show no abnormal dilatation or stone.
Visualzied spleen is unremarkable.
Pancreas is obscured by bowel gas.
Normal size and echo of both kidneys. There is a 0.4-cm. calyceal stone at upper pole of right kidney. There is mild hydronephrosis of left kidney without definite cause of obstruction.
Moderate ascites.
Liver cirrhosis with fatty change.
Moderate ascites.
Thickening GB wall likely from ascites.
A 0.4-cm. calyceal stone at upper pole of right kidney.
Mild hydronephrosis of left kidney without definite cause of obstruction.
Aujchariya, M.D.
Resident : Aujchariya Booranakarn
Radiologist : Aujchariya Booranakarn