b. Overlapping control elements of a fraud prevention program are presented below.
They are based on the following components of the COSO control framework:
1) The control environment includes such elements as a code of conduct, ethics policy, or fraud policy.
2) A fraud risk assessment generally includes the following:
a) Identifying and prioritizing fraud risk factors and fraud schemes
b) Mapping existing controls to potential fraud schemes and identifying gaps
c) Testing operating effectiveness of fraud prevention and detection controls
d) Documenting and reporting the fraud risk assessment
3) Control activities are policies and procedures for business processes that include authority limits and segregation of duties.
4) Fraud-related information and communication practices promote the fraud risk management program and the organization’s position on risk. The means used include fraud awareness training and confirming that employees comply with the organization’s policies.
a) A fraud hotline is convenient way for employees comply with the organization’s policies.
5) Monitoring evaluates antifraud controls through independent evaluations of the fraud risk management program and use of it.