; Fit Standard Error (Root
Mean Square Error), StdErr = sqrt(SSE / DF); F-statistic, Fstat
= ((SSM−SSE) / (m−1)) / (SSE / DF). The CD r
, df Adj r
Fit Standard Error and F-statistic value for the above two
equations each for absorbance and peak area were calculated
to be 0.998 and 0.999; 0.998 and 0.999; 0.010 and 0.038;
6730.0 and 13717.0, respectively. As a st. line fit turns out to
be more ideal, the r
2 value approaches 1.0 (0 represent a
complete lack of fit), the standard error decreases toward
zero, and the F-statistic reaches toward infinity. Thus, the
data obtained verifies the ideal rank of the calibration curves