Central-Tapped Node Linked ModularFault-Tolerance Topology for SRM App การแปล - Central-Tapped Node Linked ModularFault-Tolerance Topology for SRM App ไทย วิธีการพูด

Central-Tapped Node Linked ModularF

Central-Tapped Node Linked Modular
Fault-Tolerance Topology for SRM Applications
Yihua Hu, Member, IEEE, Chun Gan, Student Member, IEEE, Wenping Cao, Senior Member, IEEE,
Wuhua Li, Member, IEEE, and Stephen J. Finney
Abstract—Electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles
(HEVs) can reduce greenhouse gas emissions while switched reluctance
motor (SRM) is one of the promising motor for such
applications. This paper presents a novel SRM fault-diagnosis
and fault-tolerance operation solution. Based on the traditional
asymmetric half-bridge topology for the SRM driving, the central
tapped winding of the SRM in modular half-bridge configuration
are introduced to provide fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance functions,
which are set idle in normal conditions. The fault diagnosis
can be achieved by detecting the characteristic of the excitation
and demagnetization currents. An SRM fault-tolerance operation
strategy is also realized by the proposed topology, which compensates
for the missing phase torque under the open-circuit fault, and
reduces the unbalanced phase current under the short-circuit fault
due to the uncontrolled faulty phase. Furthermore, the current
sensor placement strategy is also discussed to give two placement
methods for low cost or modular structure. Simulation results in
MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a 750-W SRMvalidate the
effectiveness of the proposed strategy, which may have significant
implications and improve the reliability of EVs/HEVs.
Index Terms—Central tapped node, electric vehicles, fault diagnosis,
fault tolerance, switched reluctance motor (SRM), traction
D PWM duty cycle.
ia, ib, ic Currents for phases A, B, and C.
max Phase current peak when faulted.
imax Phase current peak when normal.
Δi Hysteresis window.
Nr Rotor poles.
KL Inductance slope when normal.
i Current slope when normal.
Manuscript received September 29, 2014; revised December 7, 2014 and
January 28, 2015; accepted March 9, 2015. Date of publicationMarch 18, 2015;
date of current version September 29, 2015. This work was supported by the
EPSRC of UK (EP/L00089X/1). Recommended for publication by Associate
Editor J. A. Pomilio.
Y. Hu is with the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China, and is also with the Department of Electronic and
Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ, U.K.
(e-mail: huyihuacumt@126.com).
C. Gan and W. Li are with the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang
University, Hangzhou 310027, China (e-mail: ganchun.cumt@163.com;
W. Cao is with the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, U.K. (e-mail:
S. J. Finney is with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ, U.K. (e-mail: stephen.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2414664
L Inductance slope when faulted.
Ki Current slope when faulted.
Lmin Minimum of the phase inductance.
Lmax Maximum of the phase inductance.
T∗ Given load torque.
T Instantaneous torque.
Tav Average electromagnetic torque of one phase when
av Average electromagnetic torque of one phase when
Uin Bus voltage.
ωr Angular velocity.
θon Turn-on angle.
θoff Turn-off angle.
CURRENTLY, electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric
vehicles (HEVs) provide a low-pollution and highefficiency
solution to the depletion of fossil fuels and environmental
problems, and thus, are under wide development
across the world [1], [2]. Switched reluctance motors (SRMs)
are becoming a mature technology for EV/HEV applications and
are also considered to have commercial potentials for massive
global markets due to their nonreliance on rare earth materials
and a wide torque–speed range, in addition to their robust
mechanical structure, low cost and high efficiency [3]–[7]. For
EV/HEV applications, high reliability and fault tolerance is critically
important as they involve human lives.
The SRM drive system is mainly composed by two parts:
power electronics and motors [8]. For EV/HEV applications, the
switching devices are prone to failure, especially in harsh environments
such as vehicular conditions [9]. Based on the widely
used asymmetrical half-bridge drive topology, the power electronics
faulty conditions such as short-circuits and open-circuits
are studied in [10]–[16]. In [11], the bus current is employed to
distinguish open-circuit faults and short-circuit faults in power
electronics converters. In [12], two on-line fault-diagnosis methods
based on analysis of bus current or freewheeling current
are developed to distinguish short circuits and open circuits. In
[13], the switching device fault diagnosis including open circuit
and short circuit is achieved by analysis of phase current
without additional hardware investment. The FFT algorithm is
also introduced to analyze the power converter supply current
of phase absence fault in [14]. A method to predict the SRM
drive performance under normal and fault operating conditions
is proposed in [15], which uses a genetic-algorithm-based artificial
neural networks, showing a fast and accurate prediction. In
0885-8993 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
[16], a fuzzy inference system is employed to characterize the
SRM drives under normal and fault operations. The other research
field is motor fault diagnosis. The winding short-circuit
and open-circuit are the common faults in electric machines
[17]. Pole short and few turns shorted of phase winding are
discussed in [18]. In [19], injecting high-frequency diagnostic
pulses to the motor windings is proposed to locate faulty phase
and categorize the fault type.
In order to improve the SRM fault-tolerance ability, hardware
and software can be employed to achieve fault-tolerance
operation. For fault-tolerance control, artificial neural network,
genetic algorithms, and the time dynamic models are developed
for normal and abnormal condition control of theSRM[20]. The
Fuzzy controller without a model is proposed in [21] to improve
the faulty performance of the SRM. For hardware improvement,
a multiphase SRM is developed to improve fault tolerance [22],
[23]. The axial-flux-configuration-based, five-phase SRM is developed
for EVapplication [23]. In order to improve the reliability
of the SRMdriving system, a dual-channelSRMis developed
and fault-tolerance strategy is also discussed in [24]. The modular
stator SRM is proposed in [25], which is convenient for
replacing the fault winding. In [26], a double-layer-per-phase
isolated SRM is also investigated, which cannot only improve
the fault-tolerant capability, but also achieve higher torque and
low noise. Furthermore, segmental stator SRM with modular
construction is proposed for fault-tolerance application [27]. In
[28], two extra switching devices are added in the traditional
asymmetric half-bridge topology for an 8/6 SRM drive system
to decrease the impact of a fault. However, the proposed
fault-tolerance topology is without module structure and only
accustoms limited fault condition.Adecentralized phase driving
topology is developed in [29] to make full use of independence
of phase windings; while a lot of half asymmetric modular. In
the absence of position sensors, a fault-tolerance control strategy
is proposed in [30] to deal with the absent phase operation.
In [31], a fault-tolerance scheme is proposed for the SRM drive
that is driven by a three-phase bridge inverter when the phase
windings are connected in star. The fault characteristics of the
SRM drive under short- and open-circuit fault operations are analyzed
in details in [32], and a fault-tolerant control method is
presented. However, the phase absence operation in open-circuit
condition and setting the turn-off angle advanced in short-circuit
condition still causes a large torque ripples.
Although hardware and software fault tolerance have been
developed, the hardware changes the driving topology of the
SRM or design the new structure of the SRM that limits the wide
application. Furthermore, by software, the fault-diagnosis and
fault-tolerance operation can be achieved without changing the
traditional SRM drive topology; but the fault-diagnosis method
is complex and fault toleration can be realized in limited fault
condition. So, we need the fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance
strategy is equipped with the following characteristics:
1) no/little change to the traditional SRM drive topology;
2) easy fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance operation at extreme
fault conditions;
3) modular structure and convenient for industrial
Fig. 1. Basic winding structure of SRM, (a) 8/6 SRM, (b) 12/8 SRM.
Fig. 2. Central-tapped winding of a 12/8 SRM.
In this paper, in order to satisfy the mentioned requirements,
a new modular fault-tolerance topology is proposed on the basis
of the traditional SRM driving topology; and the corresponding
fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance schemes are proposed by
tradeoff hardware and software. This paper is organized as follows:
Section II describes the proposed fault-tolerance topology,
and fault-diagnosis method. Section III builds the mathematical
model of the SRM under fault-tolerance condition and gives the

fault-tolerance control strategy. Section IV discusses the current
sensors placement. Section V presents experimental results and
their analysis, followed by the conclusions in Section VI.
New techniques are developed to improve the
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ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 1: [สำเนา]
แท็บกลางโหนเชื่อมโยงมอดุลาร์โทโพโลยีของค่าเผื่อความบกพร่องสำหรับโปรแกรมประยุกต์ SRMหูอะควาซิตี้ สมาชิก IEEE ย่านชุน สมาชิกนักเรียน IEEE สมาชิก Wenping Cao อาวุโส IEEEWuhua Li สมาชิก IEEE, Stephen J. Finney และนามธรรมเช่นยานพาหนะไฟฟ้าไฮบริดและยานพาหนะไฟฟ้า (ฟ้า)(HEVs) สามารถลดการปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจกในขณะที่รายการอาหารเปลี่ยนมอเตอร์ (SRM) เป็นหนึ่งในมอเตอร์สัญญาสำหรับดังกล่าวใช้งาน เอกสารนี้นำเสนอนวนิยาย SRM วินิจฉัยข้อบกพร่องและยอมรับข้อบกพร่องการดำเนินการแก้ปัญหา ตามแบบดั้งเดิมโทโพโลยีแบบครึ่งบริดจ์ asymmetric สำหรับ SRM ขับ ใจกลางแท็บของ SRM ในโครงแบบครึ่งบริดจ์โมดูลาร์ของขดลวดแนะนำให้ฟังก์ชันการวินิจฉัยข้อบกพร่องและค่าเผื่อความบกพร่องซึ่งมีการใช้งานในสภาพปกติ การวินิจฉัยข้อบกพร่องสามารถทำได้ โดยการตรวจสอบลักษณะของการในการกระตุ้นและกระแส demagnetization การดำเนินงาน SRM ค่าเผื่อความบกพร่องนอกจากนี้ยังมีการรับรู้กลยุทธ์ โดยการนำเสนอโครงสร้าง เพื่อชดเชยสำหรับแรงบิดระยะหายไปภายใต้ข้อบกพร่องวงจรเปิด และลดขั้นตอนสมดุลปัจจุบันภายใต้ข้อบกพร่อง short-circuitเนื่องจากระยะผิดพลาดทาง นอกจากนี้ ปัจจุบันยังมีการกล่าวถึงเซ็นเซอร์วางกลยุทธ์ให้สองตำแหน่งวิธีการสำหรับโครงสร้างต้นทุนต่ำ หรือโมดุล ผลการทดลองในMATLAB/Simulink และทดลองบน SRMvalidate 750 Wประสิทธิผลของกลยุทธ์เสนอ ซึ่งอาจสำคัญimplications and improve the reliability of EVs/HEVs.Index Terms—Central tapped node, electric vehicles, fault diagnosis,fault tolerance, switched reluctance motor (SRM), tractiondrives.NOMENCLATURED PWM duty cycle.ia, ib, ic Currents for phases A, B, and C.imax Phase current peak when faulted.imax Phase current peak when normal.Δi Hysteresis window.Nr Rotor poles.KL Inductance slope when normal.Ki Current slope when normal.Manuscript received September 29, 2014; revised December 7, 2014 andJanuary 28, 2015; accepted March 9, 2015. Date of publicationMarch 18, 2015;date of current version September 29, 2015. This work was supported by theEPSRC of UK (EP/L00089X/1). Recommended for publication by AssociateEditor J. A. Pomilio.Y. Hu is with the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027, China, and is also with the Department of Electronic andElectrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ, U.K.(e-mail: huyihuacumt@126.com).C. Gan and W. Li are with the College of Electrical Engineering, ZhejiangUniversity, Hangzhou 310027, China (e-mail: ganchun.cumt@163.com;woohualee@zju.edu.cn).W. Cao is with the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, U.K. (e-mail:w.cao@qub.ac.uk).S. J. Finney is with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ, U.K. (e-mail: stephen.finney@strath.ac.uk).Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2414664KL Inductance slope when faulted.Ki Current slope when faulted.Lmin Minimum of the phase inductance.Lmax Maximum of the phase inductance.T∗ Given load torque.T Instantaneous torque.Tav Average electromagnetic torque of one phase whennormal.Tav Average electromagnetic torque of one phase whenfaulted.Uin Bus voltage.ωr Angular velocity.θon Turn-on angle.θoff Turn-off angle.I. INTRODUCTIONCURRENTLY, electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electricvehicles (HEVs) provide a low-pollution and highefficiencysolution to the depletion of fossil fuels and environmentalproblems, and thus, are under wide developmentacross the world [1], [2]. Switched reluctance motors (SRMs)are becoming a mature technology for EV/HEV applications andare also considered to have commercial potentials for massiveglobal markets due to their nonreliance on rare earth materialsand a wide torque–speed range, in addition to their robustmechanical structure, low cost and high efficiency [3]–[7]. ForEV/HEV applications, high reliability and fault tolerance is criticallyimportant as they involve human lives.The SRM drive system is mainly composed by two parts:power electronics and motors [8]. For EV/HEV applications, theswitching devices are prone to failure, especially in harsh environmentssuch as vehicular conditions [9]. Based on the widelyused asymmetrical half-bridge drive topology, the power electronicsfaulty conditions such as short-circuits and open-circuitsare studied in [10]–[16]. In [11], the bus current is employed todistinguish open-circuit faults and short-circuit faults in powerelectronics converters. In [12], two on-line fault-diagnosis methodsbased on analysis of bus current or freewheeling currentare developed to distinguish short circuits and open circuits. In[13], the switching device fault diagnosis including open circuitand short circuit is achieved by analysis of phase currentwithout additional hardware investment. The FFT algorithm isalso introduced to analyze the power converter supply currentof phase absence fault in [14]. A method to predict the SRMdrive performance under normal and fault operating conditionsis proposed in [15], which uses a genetic-algorithm-based artificialneural networks, showing a fast and accurate prediction. In0885-8993 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.1542 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 31, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2016[16], a fuzzy inference system is employed to characterize theSRM drives under normal and fault operations. The other researchfield is motor fault diagnosis. The winding short-circuitand open-circuit are the common faults in electric machines
[17]. Pole short and few turns shorted of phase winding are
discussed in [18]. In [19], injecting high-frequency diagnostic
pulses to the motor windings is proposed to locate faulty phase
and categorize the fault type.
In order to improve the SRM fault-tolerance ability, hardware
and software can be employed to achieve fault-tolerance
operation. For fault-tolerance control, artificial neural network,
genetic algorithms, and the time dynamic models are developed
for normal and abnormal condition control of theSRM[20]. The
Fuzzy controller without a model is proposed in [21] to improve
the faulty performance of the SRM. For hardware improvement,
a multiphase SRM is developed to improve fault tolerance [22],
[23]. The axial-flux-configuration-based, five-phase SRM is developed
for EVapplication [23]. In order to improve the reliability
of the SRMdriving system, a dual-channelSRMis developed
and fault-tolerance strategy is also discussed in [24]. The modular
stator SRM is proposed in [25], which is convenient for
replacing the fault winding. In [26], a double-layer-per-phase
isolated SRM is also investigated, which cannot only improve
the fault-tolerant capability, but also achieve higher torque and
low noise. Furthermore, segmental stator SRM with modular
construction is proposed for fault-tolerance application [27]. In
[28], two extra switching devices are added in the traditional
asymmetric half-bridge topology for an 8/6 SRM drive system
to decrease the impact of a fault. However, the proposed
fault-tolerance topology is without module structure and only
accustoms limited fault condition.Adecentralized phase driving
topology is developed in [29] to make full use of independence
of phase windings; while a lot of half asymmetric modular. In
the absence of position sensors, a fault-tolerance control strategy
is proposed in [30] to deal with the absent phase operation.
In [31], a fault-tolerance scheme is proposed for the SRM drive
that is driven by a three-phase bridge inverter when the phase
windings are connected in star. The fault characteristics of the
SRM drive under short- and open-circuit fault operations are analyzed
in details in [32], and a fault-tolerant control method is
presented. However, the phase absence operation in open-circuit
condition and setting the turn-off angle advanced in short-circuit
condition still causes a large torque ripples.
Although hardware and software fault tolerance have been
developed, the hardware changes the driving topology of the
SRM or design the new structure of the SRM that limits the wide
application. Furthermore, by software, the fault-diagnosis and
fault-tolerance operation can be achieved without changing the
traditional SRM drive topology; but the fault-diagnosis method
is complex and fault toleration can be realized in limited fault
condition. So, we need the fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance
strategy is equipped with the following characteristics:
1) no/little change to the traditional SRM drive topology;
2) easy fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance operation at extreme
fault conditions;
3) modular structure and convenient for industrial
Fig. 1. Basic winding structure of SRM, (a) 8/6 SRM, (b) 12/8 SRM.
Fig. 2. Central-tapped winding of a 12/8 SRM.
In this paper, in order to satisfy the mentioned requirements,
a new modular fault-tolerance topology is proposed on the basis
of the traditional SRM driving topology; and the corresponding
fault-diagnosis and fault-tolerance schemes are proposed by
tradeoff hardware and software. This paper is organized as follows:
Section II describes the proposed fault-tolerance topology,
and fault-diagnosis method. Section III builds the mathematical
model of the SRM under fault-tolerance condition and gives the

fault-tolerance control strategy. Section IV discusses the current
sensors placement. Section V presents experimental results and
their analysis, followed by the conclusions in Section VI.
New techniques are developed to improve the
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ไทย) 3:[สำเนา]
yihua Hu , สมาชิก , IEEE , ชุนกัน สมาชิกนักศึกษา , IEEE , wenping เคา รุ่นพี่สมาชิก , IEEE ,
wuhua Li , สมาชิก , IEEE และสตีเฟน เจ ฟินนีย์
นามธรรมไฟฟ้ายานพาหนะ ( รถไฟฟ้า ) และยานพาหนะไฟฟ้าไฮบริด
( hevs ) ลดการปล่อยก๊าซเรือนกระจก ขณะที่ฝืนเปลี่ยน
มอเตอร์ ( SRM ) เป็นหนึ่งในรถยนต์สำหรับการใช้งาน เช่น สัญญา

และความผิดความอดทนปฏิบัติการแก้ไข ตามแบบดั้งเดิมครึ่งสะพานโครงสร้างสำหรับ

สำหรับขับรถกลางเคาะคดเคี้ยวของ SRM ในโมดูลครึ่งสะพานค่า
ซึ่งมีการตั้งค่าใช้งานในสภาวะปกติ การวินิจฉัยข้อบกพร่อง
และกระแส demagnetization . การดำเนินงานสำหรับความผิดความอดทน
สำหรับเฟสแรงบิดหายไปภายใต้การเปิดวงจร ผิด และลดการขาดดุลในระยะปัจจุบัน

ผิดภายใต้กระแสลัดวงจรเนื่องจากขั้นตอนที่ผิดพลาดที่ไม่สามารถควบคุมได้ . นอกจากนี้ การวางกลยุทธ์ คือ ปัจจุบัน
สำหรับค่าใช้จ่ายต่ำหรือโครงสร้างของโมดูล . ผลการทดสอบในโปรแกรม MATLAB / Simulink
และการทดลองใน 750-w srmvalidate
ประสิทธิผลของการนำเสนอกลยุทธ์ ซึ่งอาจมีผลกระทบอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ
และปรับปรุงความน่าเชื่อถือของรถไฟฟ้า /
hevs .ดัชนีเงื่อนไขกลางเคาะโหนด , ยานพาหนะ , การวินิจฉัยความผิดไฟฟ้า
ความอดทนความผิดฝืนเปลี่ยน มอเตอร์ ( SRM ) , traction

D ไดรฟ์ ระบบ PWM Duty Cycle
IA , IB , กระแส IC สำหรับเฟส A , B และ C .

ผม  สูงสุดในระยะปัจจุบันสูงสุดเมื่อตำหนิ .
ไอแม็กซ์ เฟส ปัจจุบันยอดเมื่อปกติ .
Δผมแบบหน้าต่าง ที่มีใบพัดหมุน
KL หรือลาดเมื่อปกติ 

K ผมปัจจุบันลาด
เมื่อปกติต้นฉบับที่ได้รับ 29 กันยายน 2014 ; แก้ไข 7 ธันวาคม ปี 2014 และ
28 มกราคม 2015 ; การยอมรับ 9 มีนาคม 2015 วันที่ publicationmarch 18 , 2015 ;
วันที่รุ่นปัจจุบัน 29 กันยายน 2015 งานวิจัยนี้ได้รับการสนับสนุนโดย
EPSRC ของ UK ( สอี / l00089x / 1 ) แนะนำสำหรับสิ่งพิมพ์ โดยมี รองบรรณาธิการ เจ. . pomilio
Y Hu กับวิทยาลัยวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า มหาวิทยาลัยเจ้อเจียง
310027 หางโจว , จีน , และยัง กับกรมอิเล็กทรอนิกส์และ
วิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า มหาวิทยาลัยกลาสโกว์ G1 1xq สหราชอาณาจักร
( e - mail : huyihuacumt @ 126 . com )
c . กัน และ ลี กับ วิทยาลัยวิศวกรรมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเจ้อเจียง
, 310027 หางโจว , จีน ( ganchun E-mail : . cumt @ 163 . com ;
woohualee @ zju . edu cn )
W . เคากับโรงเรียนอิเล็กทรอนิกส์วิศวกรรมไฟฟ้าและวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์
, ราชินีของมหาวิทยาลัยเบลฟาสต์เบลฟาสต์จ 1nn , อังกฤษ ( e :
w.cao @ qub . ac.uk )
. J . ฟินนีย์กับภาควิชาวิศวกรรมไฟฟ้ามหาวิทยาลัยกลาสโกว์ G1
, 1xq , อังกฤษ ( E-mail : สตีเฟ่น ฟินนีย์
@ สแตรท . ac.uk ) .
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