The case study company in this case is a medium scale textile and garment company who previously used manual but planning to implement AIS (which is embedded in Enterprise Resource Planning: ERP software) for competing in global economies. As the cost of AIS has become reachable if the economy of scale is achievable, the management of this firm targets to share the information by using AIS while the level of IQ must be high for every user. This is because different users impose different quality requirements and that was of acceptable quality for one system might not be so in another. In addition, data that was sufficient accuracy and timeliness for local users may not be acceptable at another site, particularly other continents. Cost of inaccurate or inadequate data can become sky high. Problems with information quality can result in tangible and intangible damage varying from loss of customer confidence to loss of orders. This company found that there are several current customers turn down the order because they found many mismatched data between their Database Management System (DBMS) and company’s DBMS. That is the reason this research aims to improve the IQ of the AIS.