In addition to this, Tschumi creates new experiences and allows for new vantage points for a body within the design of the program
inside La Villette. By dismembering and reassembling the architectural elements, Tschumi creates an experience similar to that found
within the language of lm. In La Villette, the follies are reassembled in successive sequences and frames similar to a cinematic promenade
(Tschumi, 1987). The idea of the body is therefore established in the park in at least two ways: (1) as a dismembered architectural
body, and (2) as the situated body of a cinema spectator (Ribero, 2005). The follies in La Villette act as the cinematic promenade
and they create a sequence of controlled visual elds which allude to the notion of a situated viewer or individual body in space much
like how a lm uses a series of sequential scenes to create its overall eect on a viewer. The viewer can still be set apart from the crowd
(and have a unique bodily experience) while still maintaining visual connectivity (and having a global bodily experience at the same time)