9a. May. IV. After using the Facebook page called "Love and Let Lynne" has led clip name. "All male celebrity Khorat", was published in Facebook page called "YouLike (Clip)", which is a cause of controversy boys were attacked as well. It was criticized in the social network Recently a Facebook page called "Tea Estate Sirichotevanich" the video clip name. "Teachers help students turn over," was published in The Facebook page YouLike (clip), having noted. This event was a student in school. He attacked the students. It's a clip in the first clip In the video you will see the man. Dressed in a suit Hurt and beat the students of the school. When the prohibitive. The man called out to be a "teacher" as well. However, in addition to a spat of students to become critical of it. Netizens protest that Behavior of teachers from the school. This was deemed inappropriate. Because instead to discourage a student strike. Back to hurt opponents to take part as well.