Quickly! shouted Cyrus Smith. Come down to the beach,and bring your guns with you! Perhaps some pirates weren't on the ship.
The sea was quiet now. They could see the ship on the botton. Most pirates were inside the ship,but some men were in the water. The four men and the boy pulled them out,but they were dead.
We'll have to wait, said Pencroft. When the sea goes out, we can swim down to the ship. But what happened to it? What do you think,Mr Smith?
And why did happen at the right time? said Spillet.
I don't know.It's very mysterious, said Cyrus. Perhaps we'll find the answers at the bottom of the sea.
Some hours later,Pencroft and Nab swam to the ship. The bottom of the ship was in two halves.
They swam to the ship many time over the next two days.They found clothes and shoes,guns and food.But then another great wind came and the ship broke again.The wind and the waves washed it out to sea.
Now we'll never know the answer to the big question - what really happened to that ship? said Cyrus. I don't think it hit rocks.
No,it didn't,said Pencroft. There aren't any rocks there.and we all saw the ship on a wall of water.
You're right, said Cyrus.