2.2. Survey questions
Respondents were asked to estimate the number of patients
with CDI they had treated in the preceding 6 months, the number
who experienced at least one recurrence after initial drug treatment,
and to indicate their preferred treatment choice for i) the
primary episode of CDI, ii) the first recurrence for patients with
mild disease, and iii) the second recurrence for patients with mild
disease. Respondents were asked to define the duration of treatment
for patients with a second recurrence and mild disease; to
indicate whether their treatment choice would change after a third
or subsequent recurrence; and to indicate which antibiotic regimen
they would choose to treat patients with severe CDI with or
without ileus (possible combinations included oral or IV metronidazole,
oral vancomycin, vancomycin per rectum, fidaxomicin,
rifaximin, or tigecycline). We also asked respondents if they had
ever used IVIG to treat CDI or probiotics (including Saccharomyces
boulardii) to either prevent or manage CDI. Finally, a number of
questions about FMT were included, such as i) circumstances under
which FMT would be recommended, ii) the number of CDI recurrences
that would prompt initiation of FMT; iii) whether FMT
was available at their practice location at the time of the survey, and
if not, to indicate why not.