The present invention is an automatic food cooking machine comprising a frame
supporting a housing having an unobstructed opening with an adjustable heating
surface at the bottom thereof. Mounted in the opening of the housing are a pair of
spaced parallel endless conveyor chains supported on sprockets connected to a
pair of spaced shaftsone
driven by a motor, and one used for adjustment of
conveyor chain tension. Mounted between these shafts are idler sprockets used
to support the conveyor chain.
A plurality of spaced angles are connected to the conveyor chains, and a retainer
fastened to the spaced angle is used to secure each food basket comprised of a
bottom, four sides, and a hinged lid. A sauce dispenser is supported by a bracket fastened to a slide rail at the top of the housing. As the actuating tab fastened to a
retainer moves slowly toward the sauce dispenser and makes contact, it automatically rotates said dispenser 90° allowing sauce to drip directly on the food product.
As the actuating tab travels past the sauce dispenser, said dispenser automatically returns to an upright or "off" position.
A heating surface located at the bottom of the housing is supported by four cables passing through guides to a central guide where they are swedged to a main cable
that is fastened to a hand crank.