2. Collect urine at the end of a work shift in 125-mL polyethylene bottles containing 0.2 mL conc.
HNO3; mix. Submit a 25-mL aliquot for lead analysis and another 25-mL aliquot for creatinine
3. Filter urine samples before analysis. Analyze a 25-mL aliquot for creatinine by standard procedures
(e.g., [6]).
4. Place 2.0 mL filtered urine or 2.0 g whole blood in a 16 x 150-mm culture tube. Start a reagent
blank at this point with 2 mL deionized water.
5. Add 0.8 mL APDC-surfactant solution. Cap and mix on a rotary vibration mixer for 10 sec.
6. Add 2.00 mL water-saturated MIBK. Cap and rotate on a rotary vibration mixer for 2 min.
Centrifuge at 2000 rpm for 10 min. Analyze the Pb-APDC solution in MIBK within 2 h of extraction
NOTE: If the patient is receiving EDTA therapy or if blood specimens are collected in tubes
containing Na 2 EDTA as anticoagulant, add 50 μL 1.5 M CaCl2 immediately before adding
the MIBK [7].
7. Prepare 6 working standards in deionized water in the range 10 to 150 μg/100 mL Pb by dilution of
calibration stock solution with 2% (w/v) HNO 3. Prepare fresh daily.
Example: 0.4 mL calibration stock stolution diluted to 1 L = 40 μg per 100 mL.
8. Analyze the working standards (steps 4, 5, 6, 12, and 13).
9. Prepare a calibration graph. Plot concentration (μg/100 mL) vs. absorbance of working standard,
corrected for reagent blank.
10. Maintain standardization by analyzing a standard after every 5 samples.
11. Run a spiked control or pooled sample from exposed workers or commercial control every 10
samples or at least 3 per study.
NOTE: Blood or urine lead background levels must be determined before spiked controls are