State Pension
State Pension is a benefit that most people can get when they reach State Pension age. Whether you can get it depends on your national insurance contribution record.
You don't have to stop working in order to get State Pension. Your earnings will not affect the amount you get. However, the amount of tax you pay may increase because State Pension is taxable.
You can choose to claim State Pension at State Pension age or you can put off your claim until later. This is known as deferring your claim. If you defer your claim, you will get extra pension when you do claim, which you can chose to take as an increased weekly pension or a one-off lump sum. You can find out more about deferring your claim on the GOV.UK website. In Northern Ireland, you can get more information about deferring your pension from the nidirect website.
State Pension is administered by the Pension Service in England, Wales and Scotland, and by the Social Security Agency in Northern Ireland.