Steers were offered grass silage ad libitum and 6.4 kg concentrates daily for 126 days or silage ad libitum for 35 days, followed by concentrates
ad libitum (Experiment 1). Steers were offered grass silage ad libitum and 6 kg concentrates daily for 154 days, concentrates
ad libitum or grass silage ad libitum for 112 days followed by concentrates ad libitum (Experiment 2). All treatments received the same
total concentrate allowance. In Experiment 1, there was no difference in any measurement of meat quality. In Experiment 2, ad libitum
concentrate feeding per se, decreased redness and increased shear force of muscle at 2 days post-mortem. Delaying concentrate feeding
decreased fat yellowness, decreased shear force at 7 and 14 days post-mortem and increased muscle redness at 14 days post-mortem. Modifications
of the beef production system examined had minor effects on beef quality which are unlikely to be of commercial significance.
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