a) Full and Partial Periodic Patterns
Periodic patterns can be classified as full periodic (complete periodic) or partial periodic. Full periodic pattern is a pattern where every position in the pattern exhibits the periodicity. Periodic patterns in
which one or more elements do not exhibit the periodicity are called partial periodic patterns. if
{a}{b}{c}{b}{c}{b}{c}{a}{c}{d} is an input sequence {b}{c} is a full periodic pattern with period 2.
It is all also called as full periodic pattern because every position in the pattern exhibits the periodicity. The sequence {a}{b}{c}{a}{d}{c}{a}{c}{c} contains a partial periodic pattern {a}{*}{c} with period 3 where
the second element is not exhibiting the periodic behavior. Partial periodicity is a looser kind of periodicity
than full periodicity and its application is more general because of the mixture of periodic events and nonperiodic events in real world data.