From the study of components of Model of Knowledge Sharing of Pusurinkum, (2006); Sirirat, (2008)
;Auttawutikul, (2008), researcher has a conclusion of components of Model of Knowledge Sharing as following; (1)
People, who are members in social media, professionals and people who are interested in the same subject. People in
those social media will have the same objective in knowledge sharing. Each member will take part related in
knowledge sharing, help promoting, supporting to start the knowledge sharing. (2) Knowledge which are
information, skill, experience and intellect that relates and is suitable to knowledge for sharing. (3) Technology
Support is compared to area of activity for knowledge sharing between learners. There are many types of
technologies used for knowledge sharing support which must be well-selected for suitable activity of knowledge
sharing. (4) Activity, every network must have activity together to achieve the objective or goal of the network.
Having members joining the activity together makes network exists. It is a way to increase members in the network
and makes network lasts. (5) Evaluate is to follow up on knowledge sharing activity of the network. It can evaluate
the knowledge sharing in between and after the knowledge sharing.