The impact of a problem, the stability of the country. Liberal trade policy by operations that are intended to produce their goods, there are a few types of advantage or just one type. Affect the stability of the country, problems easily Because if the foreign trade to be stopped. Whether it is for reasons such as a war. Political conflict, with some countries. Difficulties in international transport etc. inevitably led to domestic difficulties due to the shortage of consumer goods, capital goods and raw material shortages in developing countries, etc. For the above reasons, this hold that any country in the world. Free trade policy based on the principle of dividing the international work of David. Ricardo and a truly classic, but economists have come to trade policy. The policy, which is aimed at boosting the industrial production of goods or the type of use in the country so that the economy of the country depends on the particular type of goods production, too. Because the industry established within a country may not be able to compete with foreign goods. The State will have to provide assistance and protection by using tax measures, it is important that the walls of the incoming goods.