Sir Isaac Newton had dedicated all of his time to investigating the science. The scientific work of his is extremely valuable both to discover the treasures of light. Which gave the latter scientist Italian William Herbert Russell (William Herchel) has discovered infrared (Infared), the radiation is above a red light and begin the Ghent scientists Germany. Discovery of X-rays (X - ray) are very useful in the medical field. The discovery of the law of gravity. And study calculus Later versions also allow scientists to calculate the speed of a rocket from the Earth's gravity in later life, Newton. He continued to study science. Newton worked hard, with no time to rest , eat the food, it does not for some time. Make His health deteriorated slowly and fell ill but the symptoms abated when Newton got up to make his next Grand Forks. It fell ill again and died on 20 March 1727 at the age of 85, his body was buried in Westminster Cathedral, Westminster (Westminster Abbey).